Equivalent Too is a podcast for minorities in STEM. Its a place to discuss issues faced by those who are under represented in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, whether that be for reasons of gender, race, socio-economic background, neurodiversity, physical ability. All are welcome to normalise the barriers encountered by being differences, so that we can indeed make a positive difference through our differences.
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
scilence s2: 88 Microfluidics & ITS OK TO MESS UP
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
My guest this week is self-isolating, like the rest of us, but is really using the time to reset. Usually, she resets during her commute to work. But, whatever the situation may be, she does need that time to take stock of what she is doing and get organised. During quarantine, she wants to learn to code! Why not!?!?
She feels that failing and messing up are essential for learning. She has had to teach herself to set realistic expectations for herself. In fact, she feels that you should lean into the the things that scare you.
After an academic career in microfluidics, she has now started her own technology start-up, which has brought about some brand new challenges. My guest seems to take everything in her stride, which is remarkably calming. She's definitely one to listen to, if you're panicking about your future!
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
scilence s2: 87 Clean Tech & RISING ABOVE
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
My guest this week takes all failures and adversity in her stride. She always puts efforts into learning from her mistakes and finding the silver lining in every cloud. She talks about the dangerous tipping point between too much and too little self-doubt. Self doubt is good and useful, up until a point, at which it can then become detrimental.
STM education needs to start early, which includes the toys children play with, which can massively affect their STEM interest. She believes that in going into any career, you must have a genuine passion and interest for the field.
We discuss womanhood and the coaching she received in order to carry herself confidently and assertively in the male-dominated world of Clean Tech.
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
scilence S2: 86 Physics & FACING YOUR FEARS
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
This week on Scilence, my guest expert in physics, talks about how she fell into the subject. She followed her instincts and was guided by a very wise and independent mother, who raised her to believe that she could do anything she put her mind to. In following her passions and interests she ended up putting her mind to physics. And through hard work and determination, she is now a world-leading expert on one of the biggest physics experiments in the world.
One of the secrets of her success is to not care too much about what people think, but instead believe in herself and her own capabilities. Nothing has held this woman back, even being a foreigner, in a place that she now calls home. Accepting that things will be tough, but taking on the challenge is what has been the key to her accomplishments.
All this and so much more, on Scilence.
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
scilence S2: 85 Advertising Technology & GO FOR IT
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
My guest this week has always been a builder and video games and computers got her into STEM - despite her dad saying that computers would never catch on.
She acknowledges that something strange happens to the confidence of girls in STEM in high school, and she herself has experienced challenges in being female at work. Despite experiencing all this herself and fighting against stereotypes and cultural expectations; self-confidence has always seen her through.
Her main message is that you should always surround yourself with supportive people. People who believe in you until you learn to believe in yourself.
All this and so much more on Scilence..
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
scilence S2: 84 Evolutionary Biology & ADAPTABILITY
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
This week my guest talks about her new found freedom having newly qualified with her PhD in evolutionary biology. She knows that reputation is everything and is trying not to define herself by her qualifications. This will be a long journey of self-discovery. She has been passionate about studying animals and loves the messiness of biology, although enjoys trying to make sense of chaos. She talks about how girls aspire to be perfect and how it can lead to our unhappiness. Women have greater expectations of themselves compared to men and much of that is tied to culture. We discuss all this and so much more..
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
scilence S2: 83 STEM Education & ROLEMODELS
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
This week my guest is in STEM education and has seen positive change over the last couple of decades. Despite incremental improvements in gender parity, it is still so important for role models, women in STEM to make themselves known.
Girls have traditionally been discouraged into STEM. Maths and physics are seen as subjects for boys and it has been assumed that girls would find these subjects too difficult. My guest believes that we should stop being over-consumed with the difficulties of academia and focus more on the bigger opportunities that STEM careers can bring.
Careers in STEM allow people to contribute to solving the biggest scientific and technological challenges of our time. Engineering, is also an industry that effects absolutely everything we do. Very few people realise just how frequently engineers have influenced most aspects of our lives. We discuss how important it is to smash through stereotypes and outdated cultural expectations and educate people on the type of jobs people in STEM enjoy and how they are all making a massive positive impact on the planet!
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
scilence S2: 82 Health Tech & FAILURE IS LEARNING
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
This week's podcast is short and sweet, but we still manage to delve into the nitty gritty of how my guest became so successful so soon, in health tech. She now runs a start-up, after attending one of the most technical colleges in the world. She admits to reaching a rock bottom of mental health which helped her to put into perspective the things that are a priority in life, including maintaining balance in her work and personal life. We discuss the importance of failure and not caring too much about the opinions of others. Interestingly, being a woman in STEM hadn't occurred to her - maybe things are changing?
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
scilence S2: 81 Digital Learning & WARRIOR
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
This week, my guest, a woman in tech came from extreme under privilege, where women in her neighbourhood had three choices; sell drugs, strip or prostitute themselves for a living. Thankfully, her struggle to climb out of this poverty came from her insatiable desire to learn and self-educate. She has always been a fighter and that has helped her so much as a successful woman in tech. She no longer takes 'no' for an answer and is proud of being unconventional. Nothing stops my guest, but she couldn't do any of it without the support of her 28-year marriage, two daughters and the acknowledgement woman helping women; more than ever before.
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
scilence S2: 80 Biomedical Engineering & KNOWING YOURSELF
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
My guest this week, a biomedical engineer spent a year getting to know herself by spending time alone. She got comfortable with hanging with herself and it taught her so much about who she is. She chose biomedical engineering after suffering from an injury and now loves being able to help others through creative and medical means. Her class is 40% women and she feels that it is necessary to find mentors and role models who can be in your own corner. As a result, of having people who believe in er, she now has a clear sense of her own purpose. We discuss the importance of being curious, hardworking and putting yourself out there - despite all the self-doubt and over-analysis (classic female traits). She discusses how terrified she is about fitting in motherhood with career, But she hopes she will have to make the sacrifice one day, because to her, motherhood will be the biggest sacrifice and biggest reward.
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Scilence S2: 79 Computer Engineering & LIVE BETTER
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
My guest this week has been in technology for over 20 years, and as a result has seen a lot of change, panic and progress over the years - Y2K being an example of this. Her career has changed largely because hardware has evolved too.
Despite championing the positive impacts of technology, my guest hopes that it doesn't take over our lives. Back in her day, women were not in STEM subjects, there were either males or non-males, so she was pretty trailblazing in attending an all-girls technical college. She learned so much, including that girls could do anything.
This college was the place to smash through all stereotypes, because they all had to muck-in. In her experience, girls get far more affected by stereotyping, where we keep having to prove ourselves so much more because there are so few places for us.
My guest was raised with the message that girls can do anything boys can do, and hence she wanted a career where she could create something of her own. She wanted to cross-pollinate interests and challenge the norms. She is a real problem-solver and has always had a high level of self-esteem.
She discusses the predicaments women face after childbirth when returning to work. Her experience has been that women often come back to work ever more focussed. Thankfully, she is witnessing that younger generations will not grow up with archaic stereotypes, and there are more and more role models these days, so things are getting better. She talks about her supportive partner and how instrumental he has been to her career path.
The higher you go in seniority, the more you realise how much you don’t know. Self-doubt seems to be a necessary tool for advancement and there is nothing wrong with it, we just need to be mindful not to identify with it.
It is important for her to set the right examples for her daughter. My guest believes you are born the day your baby is born. We also discuss having it all and she describes her purpose as being, to live better than she did the day before.