Equivalent Too is a podcast for minorities in STEM. Its a place to discuss issues faced by those who are under represented in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, whether that be for reasons of gender, race, socio-economic background, neurodiversity, physical ability. All are welcome to normalise the barriers encountered by being differences, so that we can indeed make a positive difference through our differences.
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Scilence S2: 58 Data Fragmentation & PROVING ONESELF
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
My guest this week on Scilence admits that being a woman in tech, has its disadvantages. Overall, she does find that STEM is a very democratic environment. The challenges of being a woman in STEM has strengthened her character and taught her patience in building her reputation and pricing herself.
Looking back, she reflects that perhaps it was naivety that helped her to become an entrepreneur. She never knew her father, which is why she has always been driven by an inner need to prove her worth to herself and the world. She has learned by making lots of mistakes, including hanging onto the wrong thing for too long.
She believes that men should advocate for women in STEM, but at the same time, knows exactly how to work her femininity to get what she wants. All this and more. This week on Scilence.
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Scilence S2: 57 Human Agronomy & CONNECTION
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
This week on Scilence, my guest is passionate about encouraging people to bloom where they are planted. She uses the principles of agronomy and technology to connect and support people who live in remote areas of the world.
My guest is a total disruptor in her tech sector and has a very unconventional and refreshing approach to technology. She was never any good at maths and physics, but doesn't let that stop her. She is comfortable with her own limitations and relies on collaboration to be successful.
Our conversation is mostly about the mental traps people fall into, especially around the subjects of self-worth, self-doubt, tall-Poppy syndrome and playing the victim. She believes that people hold themselves back about their own attitudes and beliefs about themselves. Women are much more prone to this than men. We talk about the innate gifts women have and their essential use in the tech world, including the characteristics of creativity and empathy.
In her opinion, technology can be used to resurrect our feminine purpose. She observes a mass exodus of women from the corporate world because the system does not favour the interests of women.
But there is hope! Women can change their levels of success and accomplishments, by changing their story and changing the way we feel about ourselves. One thing is for sure, our negative narratives must change from within.
STEM is so important to our humanity and women can bring humanity to STEM. So, lets use technology to do good, feel safe within ourselves and be driven by our hearts rather than our heads. Lets humanise science, because its been far too ego-driven and operational for far too long!
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Scilence S2: 56 Online Education & SUPPORTING WOMEN
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
This week on Scilence, my guest started her own technology business because of motherhood. She firmly believes that working 9-5 was never designed for a family. As a result, she is passionate about helping and supporting other women.
Working women have hidden themselves for too long and its time for them to step into their stories. Often, as women we are dealing with the negative self-talk which tries to keep them small- but this does not serve an entrepreneur. My guest has spent years building her business, and having to keep her levels of self-belief high, especially during times when friends and family worried about her.
She now sees the importance of speaking up - not just for yourselves, but to pave the way for women following in your footsteps. But trailblazing, does not have to be a lonely path. Often alpha females struggle to let go and ask for help. It requires trusting in others and accepting what happens.
Despite this, gender roles are also changing. Never has there been more support for women from men, especially at a time when women have never been more willing to work.
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Scilence S2: 55 Nanotech & PASSION-DRIVEN
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
This week on Scilence, my guest, a Nanotechnologist admits to juggling three careers: a day job, motherhood and running a non-profit. She got into Nanotech because she couldn't decide which science discipline she enjoys most. Nanotechnolgy encompasses physics, chemistry and mathematics, which was a perfect compromise for her.
As a result of following her true passions, she exceeds at her job, but also has a son, husband and helps other women to feel supported in STEM. Its a balancing act, and she has always been guided by her heart rather than role models.
Managing so many roles means that she is always challenging stereotypical ideals of a woman place in society. Her mother was a housewife and made children her career. For my guest, her day job as a Nanotechnologist is a welcomed relief from the demands of motherhood.
Ultimately, her key to getting exactly what she wants has been to align with her true self and stay loyal to employers and people who share her same values and principles.
My guest this week is assertive, self-believing and authentic, but she also has a highly supportive husband and has learned a lot through failure, disappointment and allowing herself to be vulnerable.
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Scilence S2: 54 Cybersecurity & INNER INSECURITY
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
My guest this week on Scilence fell into the relatively new world of Cybersecurity. From a young age, her adaptability as a character was perfectly suited for this industry, despite the fact that cybersecurity did not exist when she was a little girl. She and the industry have grown together, and she has closely observed the differences between men and women in that process.
Women have a very different perspective on their abilities. We tend to downplay our strengths, for example. Today, she realises that we have the power to choose how we see the world. Yet often women can be their own worst enemies. There was a time when women wanted to be more like men, forgetting how naturally empathetic and ethical we can be - these characteristics should be celebrated, not hidden!
Ultimately we need to ask what we want to receive out of our careers and what our goals are? For my highly ambitious and laser-sharp guest this week, her children are now her priority. She's a mum before she's an executive. She's confident about her attitude and believes there should be more women at senior level, to spread this very maternal perspective.
In this episode we get honest about self-worth, gut instincts and the dangers of saying yes, when we mean no. And by the end of the show, we come the crucial conclusion that we must all strive to be ourselves and spend time, only with those who believe in us!
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Scilence S2: 53 Technology & JUST BE YOU
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
My guest this week kicks off series 2 of Scilence, as a technologist having come from an economics / banking background, become a mother of 3 kids and taught herself how to code. She always had a natural fascination with STEM, which led her to create a coding school for Mums.
In this episode we hear from someone who has become most successful, as a result of being her truest authentic self, thanks to motherhood and following her genuine need to problem solve. Childbirth has been a good time for reflection, where she realised that the corporate environment is not suited to parenthood.
My guest believes mum's are perfectly suited for careers in technology start-ups. They would have built skills from their corporate days, which they can then apply in a more flexible and tolerant working environment. She taken her kids into the boardroom and found that it is boosted her authenticity and broke the ice with many male colleagues - essentially it humanised everyone present.
My guest wants to smash through the 'maternity penalty' that so many women have to endure, resulting is low self-esteem and a wastage of their skills. She believes in 'returnships' and re-skilling, since she admits that having children does change your brain and priorities significantly - your mind can turn to mush, if unattended.
The keys message of this show are that no one person has the right answer, so it important to know who you are and what you represent. Come into a state of self-acceptance and you can't go too far wrong. Celebrate your individuality and your vulnerability. In short, just be you!!
Sunday Jun 30, 2019
Scilence The Best of Q3: 06 Humility and Discipline
Sunday Jun 30, 2019
Sunday Jun 30, 2019
Day 6: To celebrate a whole year of Scilence, I've mashed up the best sound-bites of some 13 past-episodes. Each day for a total of six days, you'll hear a some profound wisdom emerging from Episodes 27-39.
Its ~30 minutes of truth from a variety of trailblazing #womeninstem!
Friday Jun 28, 2019
Scilence The Best of Q3: 05 Forgiveness and Acceptance
Friday Jun 28, 2019
Friday Jun 28, 2019
Day 5: To celebrate a whole year of Scilence, I've mashed up the best sound-bites of some 13 past-episodes. Each day for a total of six days, you'll hear a some profound wisdom emerging from Episodes 27-39.
Its ~30 minutes of truth from a variety of trailblazing #womeninstem!
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Scilence The Best of Q4: 04 Knowledge and Knowing
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Day 4: To celebrate a whole year of Scilence, I've mashed up the best sound-bites of some 13 past-episodes. Each day for the next six days, you'll hear a compilation of some of the best sound bites from Episodes 27-39.
Its approximately 30 minutes of wisdom from a variety of inspiring #womeninstem!
Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
Scilence The Best of Q3: 03 Willingness & Integrity
Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
Happy birthday Scilence!!! This podcast turned one years old on International Women in Engineering Day!
To celebrate, I have put together 6 compilation episodes of ‘SciLence’, which feature an assortment of the best sound bites over the last quarter (episode 27-39)!
The guests you’ll hear from, over the next six days are true WONDER-WOMEN in STEM, and as with all episodes, I deliberately keep them anonymous, so that we can all enjoy some honesty, openness and a little bit of vulnerability.
This podcast is not about labels, accolades and accomplishments, that stuff can be intimidating. It’s about the wisdom gained from the experiences of some incredibly unique and trailblazing women, who are tackling the issues around gender, diversity and inclusivity, head on.
The last year of scilence has been so inspiring, thank you all for joining me on this incredibly empowering journey...Enjoy!